The Mint Hill NC 444.825 repeater is back online and linked as of 09:45 today.
The Mint Hill NC 444.825 repeater is back online and linked as of 09:45 today.
The Mint Hill NC 444.825 repeater is temporarily offline due to a power issue at the tower site. We’ll update this page when it’s back on-line.
The Ablemarle 444.900 Repeater is back online and linked to the system.
The Albemarle repeater (444.900 MHz) is temporarily offline due to a power issue at the site. There is no ETA for power restoration.
EchoLink node 8092 is back on-line and connected to the system. Had a hard drive crash and had to replace some parts. Thanks for your patience.
After several months of battling significant heart problems, I’m saddened to report the passing of Mike Knight, K4IJ last evening. Mike was very instrumental in the design & implementation of the Virginia Three Dog Repeater System. Mike worked closely with several of us to link the Three Dog Repeater system to NC HEARS. Mike was only 45 years old.
Mike’s passionate involvement in Amateur radio in the New River Valley of VA was obvious to all that knew him, either in person or on the air. He worked with hospitals & emergency preparedness organizations to promote amateur radio as back-up communications and also taught ham radio license classes for technician, general and Morse code. He was a ham’s ham, passing his knowledge to others and truly promoting the hobby.
Mike was also a well known voice in broadcast radio, an industry he truly loved.
Mike is survived by his wife of 25 years, Sharon; his mother Margaret & many other friends & family.
Please join me in keeping his friends & family in your thoughts & prayers in the coming days.
73s one last time Mike, K4IJ, from all your friends at NC HEARS.
We are very happy to announce that the Concord 444.775 and 147.210 Repeaters have been brought back on the air and into the link system.
Many thanks to Derek KD4ADL and Chris K4AES for their help in getting things back on the air.
The 147.210 will be automatically linked every evening prior to the nightly net, but will remain in standalone mode for the remainder of the time (with link on demand if needed)
The VA link is down temporarily. We hope to have it operational again soon.
The 147.270 Charlotte 2-meter repeater now requires a 91.5 PL tone. The repeater transmits 110.9, but 91.5 is required to activate the receiver. There’s a slight intermod issue that requires the use of split tones.
The Jonas Ridge repeater (444.625 MHz) was placed in-service Sunday April 14th. It is now linked full-time with the other repeaters in the system. From 4300′ ASL, the Jonas Ridge site boasts mobile coverage from Blowing Rock, NC to Spartanburg, SC. If you’re on Facebook, check out some photos of the install at
Work to update and improve the website continues. The template has been changed and the “About Us” section has been updated.
I will post info here as parts of the website are added/updated. Please check back often.
The nightly 9:30 net will resume Monday April 8th.
If you’re in range of the NC HEARS or VA 3Dog System, feel free to check-in. EchoLink node 8092 will also be available for net check-ins.